Gateway Details for:
Polyaire Ordering Code:

657220 Gateway for Hitachi

(657220) Commissioning Notes & Wiring Diagram

  1. Wire AirTouch 5, gateway and AC indoor as per diagram below and leave the dipswitches on the gateway at their default position. Make sure all wires are connected properly.
  2. Initialise the AC Unit with Hitachi AC wall controller connected. The Hitachi wall controller can be wired to A and B terminals in parallel with the gateway.
  3. If the Hitachi wall controller is not going to be used after commissioning and the return air sensor is used for AC temperature control: Turn OFF power and disconnect the AC Wall Controller from AC Indoor Unit, and set position 1 of S1 on the gateway to On (1). Then restart the AC and gateway first and then power up AirTouch 5. Or power them up at the same time.
  4. If AirTouch 5 sensors are used for AC temperature control:
  • Settings on the Hitachi AC wall controller: Set thermostat sensor to the remote controller (Go to Function Setting, find Item C8, and change its value to 01). Remove it after the setting if the Hitachi wall controller is not going to be used after commissioning. Otherwise, set Hitachi AC wall controller as sub controller (go to Function Setting, find Item code F2, and set its value to 01).
  • Settings on the gateway: set position 1 of S1 on the gateway to On (1).
  • Settings on the AirTouch 5 console: Go to Settings>Installer>AC Setup and select the required temperature sensor from the Control Sensor list.
  • Restart the AC and gateway first and then power up AirTouch 5. Or power them up at the same time.

Note: Availability of AUTO mode in indoor unit depends on indoor unit configuration (configuration is made from Hitachi wall controller). If it is not configured, changing to Auto will be accepted, but the indoor unit will continue in previous mode.